Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Tea and cigarettes have always been a great combination for lengthy conversations for me. Biji and I had a similar talk a few days back which started at about 11:00 Pm and continued till 03:00am. In between all that, also got myself booked by the police for smoking at a public place at 02:00am. We were talking on astrology, not that we are astrologers but, on the believing Vs non –believing part. Is Astrology true ? Can somebody predict our future based on the position of the planets at the time of our birth ? So what happens if tomorrow some scientist finds out a new planet ? Does that mean what ever predictions that has been made were all wrong? Its always like a chicken and egg debate. There can never be a conclusion on whether astrology is true or not. Lot of people cite personal examples of predictions coming true and some argue that it’s a numbers game where in some predictions turn out to be true while some don’t. I am no astrologer but I am fascinated at the concept astrology is based on . Well, to think that your personality and your life may be dependent on the planets which are light years away from us may not seem logical to many but is definitely intriguing. To be honest I want to believe that there is some truth in astrology in terms of predictions because how can you explain the some of the predictions which have come very true ( ok , there are lots which have not as well). But then again, If there is some truth in astrology , shouldn’t we also believe that our destinies cannot be changed and is not in our hands ? Some say there are remedies which astrologers advise which can change / avoid what may be indicated in our destiny. Stretching it a bit too far ? maybe . If you really want to think about it, Its filled with contradictions piling one after the other whether you are a believer or a non believer. But despite the fact that there are no rational explanations there are many who accept astrology and its remedies because it seems to work for them .

It is left to us to decide as to how far are we willing to let our circle of acceptance stretch, regardless of the perceived or actual truth in astrology. As for me, as someone who does not know astrology, it is difficult to accept that our lives are governed by the planets at the time of our birth( If only mom would have looked at the planetary position before giving birth to me !) There are a lot of things in the world which are unknown and not explained. Probably it is meant to be like that, but validating those with planetary positions just does not look right.

P.S:- I dont believe in Astrology. I am a Cancerian. Cancerians are always skeptical!


Sreejith Panickar said...

I am also a Cancerian! :)

On the topic, ufff... I have seen astrology winning in many cases, many predictions.. Personally I know many people who make predictions and workarounds based on astrology and they are not doing it for money. It is hard to leave it away, as this concept is ages old, and is likely to stay for all times to come. Personally, I like this concept. :)

Unknown said...

Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true.. .. .. ..

Don't Believe.. Believe in Self !!

scorpiogenius said...

This debate is never going to end, its like these Theists vs Atheists war. Both parties have some strong points on their side but...

Personally I dont believe in this Astrology, we make our own luck; we script out own fate. STOP!

Swapna Raghu Sanand said...

What a thought provoking, interesting post.

Its a debate that will never end but an interesting one all the same. Whether people believe it or not, it will continue. I have countless friends who mock astrology but their marriages are fixed only after horoscopes are matching perfectly. When I ask them why do you say you dont believe, they say we don't but our parents won't hear of it.

Look at all the famous actors, politicians and celebrities who flock to tarot readers and astrologers. Yet they would never come out and admit they do. Hypocrisy about beliefs is rampant in India. Its growing from generation to generation.

Keep writing, all the best.

Sreejith Kumar said...

Ding dong... Time for something new here...

Rohit said...

Thanks all for your comments and please accept my sincere apologies for this delayed response.

Yes sreejith, agree time for something new and thanks for reminding :)

Sreeraj said...

I think googling a little bit of Kundalini and Chakras will help you realise how astrology works. These astrologers are supposed to have their 3rd eye(Pineal gland) activated. Upon activation of this, one is supposed to get what they call 'TrikaalaJnanam' and are supposed to be aware of things of the past, present and future while meditating. Not sure how many such astrologers you can find in this modern time.
(One can say this whole 3rd eye thing is just a fantasy, but I wonder why every ancient civilization in this world refers to this Kundalini force. How can everyone go wrong in the exact same way?)

Rohit said...


Hey thats an interesting point you have raised and you have given me more than enough work to do :) well not that I mind, since now, I will be having plenty of time in hand ;)

I haven't done a lot of googling on it but initial thoughts would always connect kundalini with spiritual awakening and not necessarily with astrology (You have puttaparithi saibaba do kundalalini for his followers in his way!) Again the debate is never ending..but thanks for getting another pov here, I will serach a bit more and update this post if I learn something new.

AS said...

hehe! cancerians are too moddy and sentimental :) and amazingly creative too!

nice blog :)

Rohit said...


Thanks for your visit..and hope to see around often ...hehee..why does cancerians have to be all of that ..like moody and sentimental ..why can't they be just plain lucky all teh time ..lolz..

Heera said...

At the end of this blog, u have mentioned "Cancerians are skeptical"...how did u reach to that conclusion??

Heera said...

Rohit, how did u reach to that conclusion "Cancerians are skeptical"...A bit ironical