Thursday, June 4, 2009


What’s in a name you ask ? Well, If you get the name right, you get a gold ring worth 15grams! I was going through one of the news websites last day, when I came across an article there. In an attempt to promote Tamil language and culture, Tamil nadu government has started a scheme under which babies born in the city corporation hospitals would be given a gold ring if they are given authentic tamil names.This is also like an add-on to commemorate the birthday celebrations of M. Karunanidhi. I also believe that they have also set up a committee of Tamil professors to verify the authenticity of names before giving away the gold rings.

Fine gesture indeed as far as the gold rings are concerned since they are being given to parents using the corporation hospitals. Money going to people who actually need it and at the right time.Now Authentic Tamil names,I can think of a few when it comes to Hindu names but are there any authentic Christian names(Tamil, that is ).?

Well, I am all for being proud about our country, our state, our language and our culture.Having said that, there is also a very thin line that demarcates promoting a language/culture and maybe, overdoing it resulting in accusations of language chauvinism. I guess, more than promoting a language or a culture, more relevance should be given to being open and tolerant to all languages and cultures. This, is in no way, am I Suggesting that anybody who promotes their language/culture are not open/tolerant to other cultures. But somewhere down the line we get closed out, we fail to interact enough with people from different cultures, we feel more inclined to mingle with people who speak our language and hail from the same cultural background.Although there is absolutely nothing wrong in interacting with people from similar domains (as there is a comfort factor involved) however the problem is, when we restrict ourselves to only that.This can be ideally be felt with Indians or for that matter Asians abroad. Many mingle only with their own communities and there is this reluctance to open up, reluctance to take the initiative and talk to the locals, reluctance to move out of their comfort zones.


Anonymous said...

Sigh, you can't imagine the things the Karnataka govt. tried doing to promote Kannada.

Try de-recognising all English medium schools! God bless the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India!

Unknown said...

Yeah that,infact reported that;)did a bit of R&D on christian tamil names and came up with a few..but again, they can be debatable.Point on being open to all cultures is spot on because soemwhere deep down..we have to ask ourselves the same question!

Viji said...

Yeah, right! There is thin difference between affinity towards mother tongue and liguistic chauvinism.

Naming is purely a personal thing, and it's funny to see govt interference even in that!!

Aparna said...

I did not know a state has a copyright to names. Why do we have to deal with regional chauvinism in India?

Rohit said...


hey i dint know that regarding the karnataka govt. sometime back, i guess they had this with movies..
So true.bless the supreme court

ya ? u did find tamil names:)?

Naming is purely a personal thing, and it's funny to see govt interference even in that!!" Absolutely! couldn't agree more with you.

I guess most states in India have their own "authentic names" derived basically from history and tradition. But yes, it can lead to regional chauvinism if its excessively encouraged.

scorpiogenius said...

hahahahaaa great rule...

So now we will get to call our neighbours Chokkalingam, Perumadiveeran, Arumappenkodi and very cute!\

Feel sad for such retard leaders we got here in India

Anand said...

Even a movie when named in tamil will be exempted from tax.

How about changing your name to Muniyandi???? lol

Rohit said...


Sorry for the late reply dude. Yes,it sure seems like we will get to hear a lot of such names.


Thanks for dropping by. Hope to see more of you here. Tamil movies exempted from tax ? never know, infact, kannada film industry a few years back insisted on kannada films released first in theatres.

workhard said...

People actually do that????

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